Have you been diagnosed with osteoarthritis? YesNo Does your joint pain bother you when you are doing or keep you from doing activities that are important to you? YesNo Do you have pain while standing or walking for prolonged periods of time? YesNo Does your pain bother you with going up or down stairs or getting up from a chair? YesNo Is your joint stiff in the mornings or after a long period of sitting? YesNo Do you have recurrent or persistent swelling in your knee? YesNo Have you noticed a grating sensation or crunching feeling in your knee during use? YesNo Have you used topical medications to treat your joint pain? YesNo Have you tried taking over-the-counter ibuprofen, Aleve, or Tylenol to reduce your pain? YesNo Have you received any joint injections? YesNo Please Note: Any information submitted using this form is transmitted securely and held in the strictest of confidence, protecting your privacy.